Welcome as a member of ME!
Become a member of Maskinentreprenörerna (ME) - The association of Heavy Equipment Contractors!
Welcome to Maskinentreprenörerna (ME) - the association of Heavy Equipment Contractors.
We are the leading trade- and employers association for earth movers and contractors with heavy construction equipment in Sweden.
Our head office is located in Stockholm and we have eleven offices throughout Sweden: Skellefteå, Sundsvall, Gällivare, Falun, Västerås, Karlstad, Gothenburg, Stockholm North, Linköping, Växjö and Malmö. Please contact our advisors if you want to know more about ME or become a member.
ME has 4 100 company members. Do you want to become a member?
Read more about membership and apply
ME has statutes for the membership.
The Ethics Policy of the Association of Heavy Equipment Contractors is intended to act as a source of guidance for our member companies and a source of reassurance for clients.
Publicerad den 4 oktober 2017
Uppdaterad den 12 januari 2021